Project Akash is a new step taken by AIM for Seva to stimulate creative thought processes in the children residing in our Free Student Homes (FSH). It aims to open up their minds to the vast sky of imagination and give wings to their creativity and expression. Project Akash comprises a 2-day residential initiation workshop with a robust follow-up system to monitor and track its impact at ground level. The workshop includes art, mind maps, speech, problem solving etc. After the workshop, ‘Akash Clubs’ are set up in each home with a continuous follow-up system to track their progress.
Digital Learning
AIM for Seva’s Free Student Homes are centres for digital learning and innovation. Various innovative methods are used to reach education to our children. Some of these include: distance learning, online classrooms and audio lessons. AIM for Seva’s Project Technology aims to have one computer per Free Student Home (FSH). Distance learning is made possible in several homes through the initiative of Acharya Navneet, who uses a blend of high technology and mobile phone calls to ensure that a tutor from Solan in Himachal Pradesh connects with students in Hoshangabad in Madhya Pradesh. Other digital learning solutions include audio lessons and YouTube lessons produced by AIM for Seva Solan.
English Clubs
English has emerged as a global language, and is often the deciding factor of success, making each child who learns it more employable. Exposure to and teaching of English is woefully inadequate in rural areas and AIM for Seva English Clubs will help children learn the language using interactive digital aids. After basic proficiency in English is established, the English Clubs,with the help of well-stocked libraries, will take the students further along their linguistic journey. AIM for Seva also uses educational DVDs and CDs to enrich the learning of the children in the FSH using digital technology.
Greens AIMs
AIM for Seva homes has initiated green energy projects in many locations. Clean solar energy and bio fuel plants are cutting down costs of traditional energy sources. The results are encouraging AIM for Seva to expand the initiative to all FSHs. Some initiatives are: Solar lights; Solar water heaters; Gobar gas; Vermicomposting. Nearly 40% of AIM for Seva Free Student Homes are renewable energy-enabled, with solar power being the most common. Plans are afoot to extend the sustainable energy drive to all AIM for Seva homes by the year 2020. The FSH in Kankanpur, Gujarat is making huge strides in the renewable energy space, in its quest to be a zero-waste FSH and completely self-sufficient in terms of energy. The FSH is a model FSH for renewable energy, featuring as it does a goshala and several solar projects. There are three biogas systems in place, which has taken care of the complete fuel needs of the kitchen. Organic farming: Many AIM for Seva homes feature kitchen gardens. Children actively participate and experience first-hand the benefits of organic farming.