Fundraising Committee Volunteers

To transform society through a network of seva*, of caring, to help each child to contribute to the uplifting of family and to the progress …

To transform society through a network of seva*, of caring, to help each child to contribute to the uplifting of family and to the progress of the nation. AIM for SEVA (Canada) has an excellent reputation in terms of its zero administration cost, hard working volunteers, and integrity. Toronto is the highest donor city by far, among all donor chapters of AIM of SEVA worldwide.

*“Seva” is a Sanskrit word meaning “selfless service” or work performed without any thought of reward or repayment.

Educate & Empower Underprivileged Children

We believe that as citizens of the world, it is our moral obligation to empower those in need by creating sustainable solutions to hunger and poverty. Your donation and sponsorship help educate and empower underprivileged rural children.

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